Godiva | 1997 Past Life: Fisherman's Woman | 1997 Havana | 1997 Past Life: Joan of Arc | 1997 Past Life: Mother | 1997 Petit Mort | 1997 Past Life: Queen Christina | 1997 Speedo | 1997 Past Life: Egypt | 1997 Totem | 1998 Cornuto | 1998 Imelda | 1998 Cornucopia | 1998 Past Life: White Room | 1998 Gap | 1998 Makeover | 1998 Amore Amore | 1999 Freckles | 1999 Nine Thousand | 1999 Past Life: Blue Violet | 1999 Rooms | 1999 Picasso's Model | 1999 Past Life: Arabian Nights | 1999 Xmas Tree | 1999 Milking the Swiss Cow | 1999 Eskimo Woman | 2000 Cinderella | 2001 Shame on you (24 coats) | 2002 O-C-D (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) | 2002 FAT (infanta) | 2003
Oh, must we dream our dreams
and have them, too?
Elizabeth Bishop, Question of Travel
Displaying various acts of pleasure and self-absorbtion, Ursula Hodel’s videos explore the theatrical composition of a woman’s relation to herself. Wholly infused with desire, these videos show the artist engaged with the objects, images, rituals and fantasies through wich her desire takes form.